[Adminsysters] GDPR

Donna Metzlar donna at genderchangers.org
Fri May 25 21:32:13 CEST 2018


On 05/09/2018 06:22 PM, gaba wrote:
> I’m trying to figure out if there is anything related to GDPR that we need to do to comply for the stuff we have in systerserver. Do any of you have any thoughts on this?

I've talked a bit and read a bit the last few weeks and I think for us:

* our mailing lists are opt-in which is good,
* we never pass on email addresses or list archives, not for money and
not for research/academic purposes,
* we don't actually know much about our users, don't ask for age,
address, etc

The above and more points we should put on our website.

* X number of people have root on our server (4 atm?),
* we keep the server software up to date,
* we will inform everyone if there's a data breach that we know of

Am I correct? Is anything missing?


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