[Adminsysters] IRC meeting monday CET 20:00, talk about the /ETC

Donna Metzlar donna at genderchangers.org
Fri Oct 19 21:05:34 CEST 2018

Hi all,

The Eclectic Tech Carnival @ XM24 was a success, we heard that from

And we made a small profit :). So let's continue the discussion that was
started at the last assembly. Some of the main points from the
evaluation cirlce were:

* How do we forge ahead with the participation policy - women centred or
more open ie queer/female/trans/intersex/LGBT and male allies? Always a
tech skill-share and feminist event?
* Do we keep collaborating with social centres or look for venues more
accessible to people not accustomed to this type of setting?
* Who will do some documentation and archival work?
* Do we carry on and if so how?
* What shall we do with the money we have left over?
* Did we forget to discuss something?

We will meet on the Indymedia IRC server. In a browser got to:
Fill in the fields. We always meet on #etc (aka "channel etc")


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