[Adminsysters] [BOOKS] a list of tech trans fem resources for library

ignifugo ignifugo at insicuri.net
Tue Feb 15 12:08:03 CET 2022


hey I thought.. with the work that I'm doing at the library of the women 
in Bologna...

I received in gift this book from them and is SUPER interesting! for 
network Reti di calcolatori 
<https://sol.unibo.it/SebinaOpac/resource/UBO3778694> Peterson, Larry L. 

https://sol.unibo.it/SebinaOpac/resource/reti-di-calcolatori/UBO3778694 IS

I know that there is an historical problem between the tech people of 
the Center that always bought tech book wrote by men, and the library 
that bought but they where not happy because out of topic of the center 
of women.

I can ask to the director of the library to buy some books about my topic.

So.. I would like that the library buy book wrote by tech women :) I saw 
also that In the university of Bologna, Gabriella Coleman's book.. there 
is only 1 in only 2 library?!?! how is possible? An in your cities?

Can you help me to do a list of tech book wrote by women to buy for 
library or promote?

I thought to ask to buy this 7 books.. but for sure I can ask others.. :)

- *(en) How the Internet Really Works*120 Pages | size 8" x 10" (ca. 20 
x 25 cm)No Starch Press, San Francisco ISBN 9781718500297 (hardcover)

- (en) THE ART OF HACKING - Juli Laczkó- Intersections between Hacker 
Cultureand Visual Arts  | Printing EPC Press, Budapest ISBN 

- (en) Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking - Gabriella 
Coleman |Princeton University Press (December 2, 2012)ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 
0691144613ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0691144610

- (en) Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous - 
Gabriella Coleman |

- (it) Open non è free - Ippolita - Eleuthera 2005 - ISBN-10: 8889490047

- (it) Tecnologie del dominio - Meltemi - 2018 - ISBN-13: 9788883537981

- (it) Guerre di rete - Carola Frediani- Laterza 2018 - EAN:9788858132210

And there, in the center of women in Bologna, they have also an Archive. 
So there they can print and organize also all the FANZINEs, that we 

I have my personal collection and I'm super happy to share.

What do you think if we start a collection multilanguages in the 
cloud.systerserver.net?  or another software..

I'm not sure that nextcloud is the best to organize ebook.. but we can 
try :)

hugs ignifugo
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