[Adminsysters] Fwd: systerserver.town

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Thu Nov 3 10:26:51 CET 2022

Hi all,

I'd sent this to Mara and Gaba since it was my feeling they're the ones 
who mostly keep an eye on systerserver.town but Mara was right to ask me 
to send it to all of the systerserver admin group and so I do. Would be 
great to hear your thoughts.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: systerserver.town
Datum: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 12:12:07 +0100
Von: Anne Roth <annalist at riseup.net>
An: gaba at riseup.net <gaba at riseup.net>, psaroskalazines 
<hi at psaroskalazines.gr>

Hi you two,

it feels like all of German twitter is moving over to Mastodon (I'm 
exaggerating a little, but still..) and I keep being asked about where 
to go. Sometimes I give out invites, to friendly feminists.

Is it similar in your communities?

In any case I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to pay more 
attention to systerserver.town?

Does it need updates? Do we maybe want to try again to set up some sort 
of about page, some general rules eventually? It seems we all don't 
really have the energy to get it going but I can feel some right now :).

Or should we ask around for some more support? Maybe a call / Jitsi 
meet, inviting others from Systerserver or the /etc communities to join? 
What do you think?


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