[Adminsysters] update php and nextcloud on adele

ignifugo ignifugo at insicuri.net
Tue Feb 21 12:54:09 CET 2023

Hi, let's go to plan the meeting

to made the change on the php versions for the nextcloud.. and do the 
update to the version 25 😄

Here the pool:


I put the second week of march, because before 8th of march I think is a 
full period and we have the right to take relax a bit just after.. so I 
proposed starting from 13th..




Last human/machine news about the script that we use..

estragon and ezn had a session to update the nextcloud backup script so 
that db file would have a date when doing a db dump.

backup of the original script is still there
 > backup_script_bak.sh

 > https://git.systerserver.net/systerserver/notes/-/issues/42

edits in /var/www/html/nextcloud_backups/backup_script.sh

############ introduced a date variable
# date
DATE=$(date --iso-8601)

############ moving db to last/ dir
was: mv db_nextcloud.gz last/db_nextcloud.gz
now: mv db_nextcloud*.gz last/

############ included the date variable
pg_dump -U nextcloud -W -d nextcloud | gzip > db_nextcloud-$DATE.gz

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