[Adminsysters] Invitation

Donna Metzlar donna at genderchangers.org
Wed Mar 6 11:31:27 CET 2019

Yes, I am in the process of connecting with them. Thanks!

On 3/6/19 11:25 AM, obaz wrote:
> That's great, Donna! Do you have her contact already or do you need it?
> Donna Metzlar:
>> Hi Obaz, all,
>> I am interested in going and will contact Xenia, thanks :).
>> Donna
>> On 3/5/19 6:26 PM, obaz wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I've received this invitation to an event in Ukraine. I can't go, so
>>> Xenia asked me if I could forward it to you all adminsysters.
>>> If any of you is interested, please let me know and I will forward you
>>> Xenia's email and PGP key.
>>> Ciao :)
>>> obaz
>>> ++++++++
>>> Hi!
>>> Xenia here
>>> So, we are organizing a gathering of hackers and activists in Kyiv,
>>> Ukraine, between April 23 and April 30, with the Delta.Chat team, but
>>> also other folks from decentralized messaging projects.
>>> I met with Jenny and we discussed about making a feminist workshop
>>> there, for all those feminist activists who are interested in diving
>>> into system administration and also for those women who want to talk
>>> about tech in a safe and non-mixed environment.
>>> In Kyiv there's a very curious situation: it's in the same time a very
>>> progressive space, with active community, lots of IT specialists, lots
>>> of Internet service providers, active civil society, but it's also the
>>> rise of right-wing, patriarchical trends, and many feminist activists
>>> are finding themselves lonely and unprepared, also from the point of
>>> view of communication infrastructures.
>>> So we are looking forward to organize a half-day or even 2 times half a
>>> day workshop for those women, and with them, to give some basics on
>>> administrating email servers, may be also IRC and or Jabber or Riot or
>>> Mastodon - anything that we would like to focus on. But also to talk to
>>> them, listen about their needs and desires, and decide how we can
>>> actually support them or build things together on a longer-term.
>>> Practically speaking, we will rent a few flats where people can stay,
>>> and I think there will be a special non-mixed flat, where we can hang
>>> out. We will also have a base camp -- a bigger place in a nice district
>>> of Kyiv, called Podil, which is kind of central but not bourgeois, the
>>> district where many anarchists and artists live. In the base camp we
>>> will hang out, hack around, cook food together, share some drinks,
>>> smokes and other.
>>> On Sunday we will have a big Game, where we will test the new Delta.Chat
>>> release, in the city. We will have two teams and many fun tasks - from
>>> reporting on police and mapping them (with our function of secure
>>> location streaming), to finding hidden dead drops in the city.
>>> I really really really would love someone from Syster Servers to Come
>>> and Join us!! The Heart of Code will come, at least Jenny said they
>>> would try to bring two people from the collective.
>>> If you consider coming, we can talk about how we can reimburse your
>>> flights, and we will take care of the accomodation.
>>> Everything is very cheap once you're in Kyiv, it's like 50 cents for a
>>> beer, and 2 euro for a full meal. We will also have many things at the
>>> base camp, so you will never starve ;)
>>> Please let me know if you or some other people from Syster Servers can come!
>>> You can connect us over email. Would be great.
>>> I rreally think this is important -- it's that rare situation when we
>>> can actually help bring knowledge and empowerment to many beautiful
>>> creatures!
>>> Here's the cryptpad with more details on what will happen:
>>> https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/aJV1sq4rYX0b2gVl1l3egPKN/
>>> Please consider this invitation and let me know if you need any other
>>> details!
>>> many hugs
>>> xenia
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