[Adminsysters] irc

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Tue Mar 5 23:43:38 CET 2019

Dear all,

two days ago the irc channel was invaded by nazi bots and so I set it to
be private and invite only. Which is meant to be temporarily until the
bot army went elsewhere. I didn't realize, unfortunately, that I'm not
op enough to be able to reenter by myself so I excluded myself from the
channel when I shut down my computer.

obaz is still in there but it seems she can't lift the 'invite only' but
can hopefully invite me which requires both of us to be online at the
same time which we didn't manage yet.

And so: if you're currently trying to enter but can't: I apologize! I
hope we'll be able to fix this asap.

(It might be a good idea for some more of us to register a nick and set
more accounts to be proper chan operators!)



Wire: @anneroth
Jabber: _anne_ at jabber.ccc.de
Jabber mobil: annne at jabber.systemli.org
Threema: R6VC5KV3

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