[Adminsysters] Mastodon - what do we want and how do we want it

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Thu Nov 10 11:22:07 CET 2022


apart from the pad I feel it might be helpful to have a discussion about 
the character of the Mastodon instance.

Not sure this is something everyone wants to discuss - let me know 
whether that should be moved elsewhere.

Right now it feels like half of Twitter is moving over to Mastodon / the 
Fediverse and that results in a trillion of debates about what is 
different, what's similar, what is wanted and what isn't.

There were so many debates about Content Warnings that people start to 
demand CW for those debates.

(I'm currently entangled in a debate whether there should be such 
warnings, or notices, for all political content, or else for 'negative 
politics' and that entails it's own debate: What is negative political 

I admit that I hadn't realized how different the concept of the local 
timeline is, and just came across this text whic I found helpful 

I don't share all of the views but it's definitely a good introduction 
to the current dynamics, I find.

And while we're editing our about page I think we should maybe share 
what we would like to see happening on systerserver.town.

More something of a safe space with a local timeline that resembles a 
community space with some reservation about the rest of the world out 
there, or rather like a place for our activism, ok to have controversial 
debates, mobilising and informing about what we fight against?

Can we have both and how? I tend to lean towards the latter, I don't 
believe in defining politics apart from something else, everything is 
politics to me and I like controversies and discussion. I also have the 
need for safe spaces some times and room to withdraw from the world - 
it's not easy to draw the line but I'm thinking it's a good conversation 
to have before we open up the instance a little bit. I haven't moved my 
'big account' to systerserver.town (yet) because it'll bring a lot of 
people debating stuff and my feeling is I'd like to understand better 
what type of atmosphere we'd like to see there.

Thoughts? Or should we actually try and find the time for a call about this?


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