[Adminsysters] etc website

Donna Metzlar donna at genderchangers.org
Mon Nov 30 07:48:25 CET 2020

On 30/11/2020 00:43, angeliki wrote:
> CCC will provide their own channels for the assemblies. @donna are you
> thinking to use the
> https://riot.untanga.org/#/room/#open:untanga.org for the assembly?

The server/service is there, you can use it if you want. You can make a
new room, especially for the CCC, plus for a workshop etc.

I think this new culture of online meeting, discussion, work is still in
the process of discovery genereally, and this is the first time ever the
CCC is online right? It's already very difficult to feel connected, but
we need to experiment with the different forms of communication
available. Perhaps the CCC channel is easier to join? But our channel
will live on beyond the CCC? All things to take into consideration.


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